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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Venus Project: Climax Episode 2: And Now I’m Here – Beeble Reviews

Oh! Oh. Oh no. OH  NO!!!!



This was where she realized that idols were cool, despite their strange, otaku-endearing exterior. 

When you put it that way, I guess they’re actually human weapons. Woah.

So does that mean if you try hard enough, you can summon a robot to destroy your enemies? That’s crazy, yo, even if the bots DO look ugly. Nobody better say I don’t respect Venus Project Idols, because I value my safety.

We go on to see how everybody liked her singing so much, that she was eventually scouted into the company she works for today. You know what, good, we didn’t need this information right at the start of the whole show, and we’re not so heavily invested in the big tournament thing yet that we can’t wait before it happens.


The man is simply Producer’s husband, Coach. 

Does he wear sunglasses? Then his name is Coach.

Oh no! But I remember he was in the hospital in the other episode, like in Gunbuster episode 5! (Protip: Everybody, go watch Gunbuster right now, that’s what’s important. It’s got as many episodes as Venus Project, too.) Well, that’s not happening yet, Orange is training her body hard to become an idol dancer for real. She’s eating lightning, she’s not being kept down, she’s all the 80’s workout songs.

*Dramatic orchestral music swells*

Also, she met her friend.


I’m glad this show doesn’t take itself too seriously, that kind of mitigates the weird robot design sense...and weird robots helps them get away with a lot of stuff. 

Like zen meditation.

Oh! But then one year ago, they enter the latest Formula Venus tournament!

And SHE was in it!!

Ow ooh ouch she won already

Orange only beat Russia because Russia is a pale sickly  toothpick-armed can they settle the score for real now??

Nope Filler Tiger first

This is still weeeeeird...

The Combat Jukebox makes a selection, they summon their Stand Zoids, and they dance up a storm while simultaneously psychic-ly controlling the robots. It’s dumb. We knew it was dumb. It just happens, you can’t stop it.

Huh? I can't see it, it's too small

Oh OK transformer punches

This show runs by Yugioh rules: NO rules.

Well, Filler Tiger’s out of the running. I wonder how many fights are gonna be in the next episode, we’re coming to the halfway point soon. It’s been a long road here, what with a 6-week break between episodes 1 and 2. In fact, hey, this would’ve been over by now. Guys, that’s lame, why’d you have to do that?


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