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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Charlotte Episode 7: End of the Exodus - Bobble Reviews

Someone died this episode. Someone died.

ya if sum1died in frun o me id be turnd off 2

Let me lead in with a recap. In episode 5, the student council found a flying guy. It was kind of alright. In episode 6, the student council found a person with "collapse" powers. It was kind of alright. But the thing is that the person with the dangerous, building-shattering powers was none other than the main character Light Yagami's cute widdle sister Ayu.

Triggering her new-found powers to kill her in a horrible accident does not compel me to like her character.

For the most part, it's not a very goofy episode; the first screenshot of the review is the goofiest it got. Which is good, except if they were going to go this route, maaaybe they shouldn't have been goofy at aaaaaaaall...?

Anyway, Light Yagami's grieving, so he became a shut-in.

You'd think with all those eaten ramen cups implying such a big time lapse, some officials and not just his first-episode girlfriend would've come in to

Oh! His mind control powers killed(?) them all (there were three).

He knows he can't stay in the school-provided housing for much longer if he wants to break off ties with everyone, so he wanders the streets of Japan in an episode that should remind us all of the fact that hey...wasn't he a huge jerk from the very first episode? He even admits now that he never repaid his dumb little imouto. She cooked every night and he cooked no nights, and that was their principal interaction. He's only on the student council making wonderful friendships because people made him do it. This MC ain't done nothing for nobody. Now he's blowing all his money playing video games.

That's okay. He's just gonna make new friends.
Wha? You mean he's still a bad person!?

Obviously grief pushed him over the edge, but not everyone takes that edge to DeathTown (also obviously). I guess the secret moral of this story is that he, with his first-episode visions of personal grandeur which would secure him a great rich comfortable college life, would actually fail and throw himself out on the streets eventually. Or maybe it's not. Someone else can analyze that.

But somebody's here to pull him back from that edge. Someone who was there "all along!" Yep, that's right. The young lady with the power to be invisible to one person at a time was literally there the whooole time...breaking into his home while he ate ramen, stalking him at the internet cafe, witnessing scores of murders and having none of the victims leer over and ask who she was loud enough for Light to hear...

Cruel ultimatum.

That might be overly convenient and all, but it is kind of nice and poignant. The show loses me when it makes Ayu into a martyr by saying she always made tomato sauce for her big bro because 1) it was her mother's recipe and 2) Light used to like it years and years ago. Because I suppose the death of just any old person isn't enough to cry over! We can't just nosh on the one recipe she ever made!

It can't just come with this fairly-melodramatic line!

Well, if Charlotte wants to go down the serious-story-with-good-storytelling route, like it's done in the past (with a spotty track record, I would say), it better shape up. Because I'm watching, and I'm occasionally capable of carrying serious narratives myself (ex. this review). And again someone died, so if they mess up, they really...really mess up.

Clearly I have nowhere to go but up.

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