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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Gakkou Gurashi! Episode 7: A Letter – Beeble Reviews

“Hey! Now we can be BOTH hallucination buddies!”

Despite the occasional ‘oof that’s sad’ moment recalling the good old days, Bookie’s gotten into the swing of things at Gakkou Gurashi High School, which I hope means now we’re gonna be movin’ on ahead to future plot elements! We’ve seen the backstories of all the interesting people, so let’s have some sort of character development outside of ‘one of them dies toward the end of the series!’

Aw come on! Now dream memories?!??! Can’t we just get one foot out the door into futureland? Just don’t tell me this still takes place before episode 1.

Speaking of remembering things through flashback... 


No, they have to use storytelling to try and help keep up the façade for their school mascot, but things are starting to crack more and more. 

Yuki knows her teacher’s not around anymore, but she's gonna keep up the act as long as she can, shown by, well, the first episodes. Her psychology’s getting even more nicely complex, this is lighter on plot, but much more a character study than all those other ‘it’s not the genre we think this is’ shows that are getting the acclaim these days.

Also I think Bookie likes her

and they all write letters.

They’re gonna tie them up to some balloons and see what happens. This here’s probably going to help to bump up the plot aspect of the show, which is something I’m anticipating eagerly. We’re halfway through the season, guys! If there’s not a special ending for the show, like turns out they’re just still all living in the school forever, or oh no everyone dies just to make it a dark ending, then that means the best show of the season’s gonna be Prison School, and that makes me sadder than it should.

I dunno. Sorry that most of this has turned into criticism and talk about the show as a whole rather than reviewing what’s going on and making more jokes that the internet generation kids love, a lot of this is just the ‘I hope good things happen’ talk and fluffy moe activity aspect of the series. We’re coming to the end of the ep, so something’s got to budge today.

Okay, someone bookmark that, there’s an important key.

Somebody name your bird this. Wait this was televised and popular, I don't have to tell people to do that

These balloons. They symbolize hope. Just yesterday I saw a Cinema Snob review of ‘A Ton of Grass goes to Pot’ where some men did the same thing with bricks of weed to the American national anthem, so I know what I’m saying about balloons in media here.

I hope she doesn’t appear again alive in the story, that’d be too perfect. Manga kids, don't say anything to the affirmative or to the negative you've been proven wrong before on this adaptation.

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