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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Senki Zesshou Symphogear GX Episode 6: Drawn Blade – Beeble Reviews

Today, in the past, the Loliwitch is spending time with her father, the Bloodborne Alchemist. 

Yeah, well you thought they were looking for one of the Attack on Titan kids, so you can’t be on my case.

He wanted to know everything in the world, so that everyone can understand one another...which is why now Loliwitch wants to blow up everything and everybody. Great daughter, there. But who am I to judge, she saw him burned at the stake for wanting to be smart, I guess that’d make someone decide he’s wrong. Intention or no, we got a FIGHT on our hands! 


For the women in the review corner, they blow up the weak monsters with their sword and arrow attacks, and Pink and Green take the opportunity to escape the field. Cool music, great action vocals, anyway OH NO! THE LOLI APPEARS-ETH!! Weird Clowny Dolly leaves so she can be beaten by Yellow another day, then a different bad guy shows up, but who cares about logistics, they gotta fight the boss now.

Sorry. One does not leave the Loli Camp so easily...

We learn that the evil dolly puppet team derives power from memories to fight against the music powers, which is why her power is a harp? Anyways, she’s the final boss. They get creamed like corn. That is...UNTIL THEY LEVEL UP!! 


No lol jk they use their hollow ichigo powers
No this time I’m not saying they ripped off Bleach, this time I’m saying that Bleach ripped it off before they did.

No, I'm not insinuating that Evangelion was the first to do the crazy evil power-up trope!! Bone up on your Cuchulainn.

jk jk jk again they don’t do it because they don’t wanna be evil. Their loss.

“I can still hope that the bad guy won’t cut their heads off.”

JK, no Yellow comes out and says “Let’s do it again” and they do it again and they get all MMMMMM SEXYYY WITH DUBSTEP MUSIC MMM MMM MMM MMM 

“The reports are in! Kill la Kill was right, more booty more power!”
“Nobody said you could look yet!!”

DAMN! Even the BANANAS get blown up in their million-minion destructo-march!

Photographic evidence!

So they fight the big bad with the power-ups to their power-ups they just got so NOW they’re really strong! From a creative standpoint, what a fake-out. They make you think they’re tough—but nope! Not yet! Then boom NOW they’re REALLY strong we were tricking you all along! In the end, they actually beat the final boss, and take her in for— 

Aw man, great job for Yellow’s self-esteem, lady!! Just perfect.

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