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Monday, September 28, 2015

Charlotte Episodes 11 + 12: Charlotte + Promise - Bobble Reviews

I'm sorry this review doesn't include the last, totally-final, inexplicably-thirteenth episode. But three episodes in a single post? Now That's Crazy !! Especially when these episodes alone have all these kuh-raaayzee reveals!!!!!

*stadium of gasps*

Friday, September 25, 2015

Aoharu x Kikanjuu Episodes 11 + 12: Let's Do Something Fun + I Won't Yield - BOBBLE'S END-OF-SEASON CLEARANCE EVENT

What are our end goals here?

  • Bring Tachibana back into the Toy Gun Gun group.
  • Reveal to Toy Gun Gun that Tachibana is a girl.
  • Defeat our rivals, the Funny Pediatrics Ward Superevil Nazis.
  • Wait one year for the tournament so that we can defeat the Superevil Nazis.
And we've only got two episodes? And a plot that seems to leave little to sustain any chance of a second season?? Well, show us what you got.

Good start!

Gakkou Gurashi! 12: Graduation – Beeble Reviews

Yuki, on the scene with juggling club.

Whipping out her special zombie tricks.

Realizing she has no zombie tricks because nobody taught her anything.

Bookie, not having fun either.

The rest, sad.

Also the dog is still dead. Let’s jam.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015



Yes, we can afford to blow up a jet with today’s budget! What, do you want us to draw one, too?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Shimoneta Episode 12: The Hot Springs Episode – Beeble Reviews

End of the summer and now they’re pulling out the outdoor bathing fanservice card? Interesting, guys, interesting. The episode proper begins with the crew being invited out to an event at the Nukumi Hot Springs by...ANNA’S MOTHER!? Well, we had the tremendous climactic finale last week anyhow, what could they possibly try getting up to this week?

So did MC’s dad literally re-invent the wheel or are they just dense?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Venus Project: Climax Episode 5: A Swimsuit Vacation Filled with Idols! And Battles, Too! – Beeble Reviews

God, that title. It’s literally trying to assure everyone right off the bat that what’s going to happen ISN’T completely pointless, which is disconcerting considering this show is six episodes long.

We begin with Li’l Sick Girl and Glasses Bunny Girl doing one of those fights where they dance at 4 frames per second all happy and stuff, then one robot explodes and they scream and fly away. Leaving the stage triumphant, Li’l Sick Girl is presented with a towel.

“Great work out there, now cover your shame.”

She has this reaction every time she sees a towel. Bath time was never the same again.

Ushio and Tora Episode 10: The House where the Child Lives - Bobble Reviews

My relentless and neverending game of catch-up continues with Ushio and Tora. (Yeah uh, next season I'll try to seriously curb the amount of series I do regularly.)

Back to the Plot Zone!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Aquarion Logos Episode 11: Flap! Bound Wings – Beeble Reviews

Hey, that means it’s HIS turn to have an episode!

This guy’s been so set up in the background and stuff that I’ve completely forgotten the nickname I foisted upon him. Henceforth he shall be known as Glasses, and he will wear the moniker well.

Ranpo Kitan Episode 10: A Desire for Transformation - Bobble Reviews

ya well i no ONE anime i desire 2 c transfuremd................................xDDDDDDD

Aoharu x Kikanjuu Episode 10: I Want to Fight with These People - Bobble Reviews

This episode, Hotaru has to make a challenging declaration. Does she have the guts to tell her airsoft gun club that she's...a she!?!?

If he doesn't, maybe don't be friends with them.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Shimoneta Episode 11: Techno Break – Beeble Reviews

Alright, so the SOX kids are out being chased by the police, Dicky finally did that betrayal we all saw coming, and her new boss has taken over the school building. Topping this shit sundae is a big ol’ shiny ‘If the general public gets a hold of this news story, they will insinuate that SOX is in control of it all and they will be declared a violent terrorist organization.’ If it weren’t for the fact that, straight up, this all gets resolved by the end of the episode I’d say this is a kinda big finale, minus all of that character arc stuff.

OH SHIT! SHE'S HERE!! What brilliant twists will her twin-tails bring about in the eleventh hour?!?

Charlotte Episode 10: Looting - Bobble Reviews

Time loopage.

Prison School Episode 10: What a Bum-Derful Life – Beeble Reviews

They failed.

The boys have lost.

They are going to be expelled and there’s nothing they can do about it. Even God is dead now.

Oh, how loud my heart screams as she breaks...