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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Makura no Danshi Episode 5: A College Student that Loves to Look at the Stars - Bobble Reviews

This is off to a good start.

I apologize in advance if this Pillow Boy review is lacking any particular zest or divine masterstroke of inspiration. I feel that such a change is due to an advancement in my personal maturity, which you will see in full via the paragraphs to come.

It feels like I'm completing some kind of cycle. I began watching this series with a ridiculously watery-eyed boy with a very specific face, and here we are, looking into each other's eyes like the young lovers we are. It couldn't have come at a better time. I'm realizing my place in life, and in the Beeble Bobble Bear household-cum-spooky bear cave. Beeble Bear is realizing Beeble Bear's place, too. And so is this show, this Pillow Boy. They are the central pillars upon which I now seat my entire being. Pillow Boy, Beeble Bear...I can't hate either of you for long.

F*ck off.
See what I mean?
Meet "Emori T Ryuushi." He gets to be called Mr. T, because I always take the easy way out. He is certainly a more ways than one.

Yep. Yeah. That helps.
If any a Pillow Boy episode were screaming for a VR counterpart, this would be the one. I want to look up at the stars, but at the same time I am a lazy bear and the cave door is just so, so far away. Besides, I want to see them with one of my ever-increasing number of darlings.

F*ck you for real!

Dude can't even respect my disability (not having arms, neck joints)
But eventually, me and my fifth beau did, in fact, see the stars together...

Go on. Say what you need to say.

more like "a college student that LOVES TO BE PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE?????"


(thanks, YouTube, for that one screenshot: )

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