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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Gate: Jieitai no Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Episode 4: To Unknown Lands - Bobble Reviews

This episode opens with the traumatic backstory of the young lady whose bosom you see above. One day, her daddy made her leave their elven treehouse home because the Fire Dragon (always capitalize) was setting their town on fire.


Flash forward to the present, when our B-Plot characters go talk at a bar.

So basically I can end the scene here.

Back at A-Plot, we ponder some tough political ramifications, such this fantasy zone Special Region worth claiming for Japan? Also, who on the planet Earth would get to claim this world beyond a mystical gateway that is even more divorced from our "civilized" territories than the New World is from the Old okay never mind these questions are never gonna go that far.

"...Yes, Mr. Chauffeur, I do believe you're grossly overestimating the benefits of globalization for our country.
...Well, excuse me! You don't write executive orders!"

Speaking of taking over a vast country that you know next to nothing about, the Japanese Special Defense Force is doing their darnedest to make a great refugee camp for the victims of the latest Red Dragon burning-everything catastrophe, and they will tear down a cliffside of possibly-culturally-important land to do so in such a hurry that those refugees will be totally on the sidelines and half-baffled by what they're doing!


Speaking of learning the native language!


Speaking of politics!


But not everything is sunny in Philadelphia — nobody can figure out why the yellow-haired elf girl always asks for things in twos, with the second article of everything clearly being for a man, as if she was giving offerings to a spirit that's suspiciously tall, virile, and father-like. Let's ask the main character.


But that's not the only thing clouding their cheerful campsite. Finally, the villagers are seeing the destruction that the SDF has brought! They boast on peace but bring such destruction! 'Tis a moral quandary!!

"Now, do we sell them...or make handbags...?"

I guess that's one mystery solved. Good haul, Gate! I just wish I could figure out what's bugging that elf, though. I guess that's just for another time. Or we may actually never know. Sometimes girls just be straight tripping.

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