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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

To-LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd Episode 4: Summer festival ~祭りの始まり~ - Bobble Reviews

We're at the summer festival! Why?

You shouldn't have to ask.

Our resident protag Rito is chillin' mainly with one of three pink-hair girls. Why would you even put more than one pink-hair girl in your harem? It's beyond me. Seems counter-intuitive. Well, guess that's just part of the hidden genius of ToLOVERu (sic?). Anyway, their fun gets interrupted by some jerk men who aren't Rito (a.k.a. devils).

He's totally right, though, except for the lack of tripping and "accidental" booby pratfalls.


Eventually, they chat about the important things in life.

"I don't since loves me too."
And you can understand it, too! To-LOVE-Ru Seasons 1-3 On Sale Now!

After the fun (very little) and games (which remain unplayed), Rito leaves the stalls to hit the galls, and by "galls" I of course mean "gals."

And you are quite...uh.....

DANGIT. Now I can only joke about how doesn't do anything especially deep with this lampshade-hanging. And that's complicated, y'know?

This brown-haired girl is also there, and she reveals herself as...! Some scary antagonist!! Who claims that Yami has affection for Rito, and yet cannot love him because she's a weapon!!! Which is almost the exact same argument that was demolished last episode when a weapon became a friend!!!!!

Wow, I'm so glad their confrontation ended right after that scene this way, yeah, wow

She starts torturing Rito in more scenes which, as usual when Rito is on the receiving end of any rape situation, receives not sexy music, not villain music, but the perfect intersection of the two: beginner's sheet music.

*slaps keys*

And, and then, and...alright alright, I've gotta stop this, I can't go on for much longer. This show's too lame. I'm lame, too, but our lamelengths don't synch up. They are directly inverse to one another, cancelling each other out so as to produce a straight line of mediocrity.

You don't really want to keep reading about this, do you? To-LOVE-Ru reviews are virtual black holes of readership. They are wastelands, and I refuse to continue the steady desertification of the blogosphere. After all, it is our collective blogosphere, a place where data trees grow wild and all lolcats have the right to graze in peace. Besides, I haven't seen the previous seasons of this, so when it comes to big plot things like trans weapons and the "harem plan"...

I should've expected this from the show whose theme song asks you to put it out of its misery, whose women slap together breasts as confidently as Ren and Stimpy touch butts. I've been holding onto that simile for a while now. You're proud of me, I can tell!

Goodbye, my love. My to-love. My

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