Last time, all the connections in the world got severed! So they tie the word back together with their combined fusion robot., did we really need a two-parter to finish this one off? |
Oh, but the instant all the connections in the world are fixed, a massive network is put together through everyone’s wifi, which gives Big Bad the chance he needs to STIR UP THE FLAMES OF HATRED BY SPAMMING EVERYONE WITH THE MC GROUP'S HOME VIDEOS!!
Nothing is scarier than the anonymity of the internet!!!! |
Dogs have been lost. Political structures have fallen. And they make fun of the girl’s mom for pushing her into idol stuff in her first episode. Everything is in chaos, incredibly unpleasant chaos. Oh then this guy shows up again.
hooraaaaah |
Bad Boy manages to use his Bad Guy status to combine with the evil fire, so that he may roast Bad Girl and Narcy Cist to death and then take her for his own! Wait that sounds bad. Um...he just puts fire on them so he can save his friend from burning to death—hmmmm.
Yeah, you got some splainin to do hon |
Out in meatspace, we begin to see the horrors wrought upon excessive flame victims.
This is what happens when you dox someone. You disgusting murderers. |
And this is what happens when you have words. You use them and you say stuff that isn’t true and you set people on fire. This is what happened when nobody understood witches, you gossiped and then boom, Venice on fire. They had to flood the damn place to fix matters. You people don’t know what you’re doing. Stop calling people out. Look at them real nasty instead and don’t offer them no foods. They’ll get the message soon enough and send themselves off into exile. It’s more morally sound, and more smarter too. And that is the moral of today’s episode.
Ah, ah. Today’s episode, right. People say shit, people get hit. OK.
The burns, they are too severe. The city is about to explode. How can we possibly be saved from the horribility of it all??
With the magic rock from yesterday?!?! NO WAY!! |
The magic word rock is gonna be able to close shut the weirdspace where all this word nonsense happens, killing everyone inside. MAYBE the pilots will be okay, and the world will be safe from the sick burns. But Boss Lady’s going down with the fort.
What’s this?!? Boulder blew you on your booty?! Why??
Damn, first words, now rocks coppin’ an attitude. If only we never used letters and phrases and PUNCTUATION!! |
Dude. Hey dude. Remember? You came here to save Bad Girl from the good guys? Instead of burning her to a crisp?
Oh you can go to hell. |
Narcy’s done with this shit, so he makes the robot start putting out the flames with his own one hand.
Oh boy I’m glad you can do this suddenly instead of earlier! |
Time to push it into the final round. Robot halves switch around. Battle lines are drawn. Something something dramatic. And now, the final fire pyre power hour shower.
Yaaaaaaaaay!! |
Half-yay |
So the day is saved, Bad Boy and Bad Girl know where each other stands and he flees the scene to wipe his nose clean. Pretty full night for the Aquarion crew. What could they possibly get up to next, I wonder??
Aw shit that joke won’t work this time they use flash for the previews |
Wait, holy shit, does this mean we're finally popular enough to get haters?!?! Oh my god this is great