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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Aoharu x Kikanjuu Episode 7: We'll Have to Crush That Hope - Bobble Reviews

It's the battle of the century first eight or nine episodes! My guess is that Toy Gun Gun will defeat these obnoxiously-Nazi-lookin' lamers, but go on to become their pseudo-allies. The real enemy will either be their feelings or someone even worse than the green-haired leader. Caaallin' iiiiit~

But first: gotta be wackeeeee!

The gun dudes on the Evil Gun Gun team or whatever they're called split up! The tall one takes our hero Hotaru because...

Also because he got poked...I'm...guessing?

The girl one takes the ero-manga sniper creeper Switch because...

But really it's so that Switch can talk a lotta mess about her bress.

ugh, talk about anything else
True that, gurl!
You lost me. Can we please get back to bress?

I didn't want this.

While that's going on, our team leaders are chatting and fighting! They're directly facing each other, but neither of them has a non-stupid strategy, it seems.

You are aiming at a tree and a tree.

While that's going on, let's get back to our hero! She's fighting the guy with the really large gun.

*shoots forever*
We have a winner. Toy Gun Gun: two trees. Nazis: entire forest.

To make the episode meaningful or what-have-you, they stretch things out by giving Hotaru a faux-crisis after she's been dramatically cornered.

He could be tricking you, so shoot him or cave.
Shoot him or cave.
Shoot him or — this is like the fifth time you've reconsidered your bonds with your team
Thank you!

There's no way they could've made this battle more shounen. Unless you count aura, power levels, power-ups, funny sidekicks, an evil organization, special moves, or worldbuilding as being related to shounen battle manga and anime in any way. But you get what I mean. It's like ridikks. Hotaru runs like Naruto, gets right in front of the man with the minigun, slams the muzzle down to the ground with her bare hand, runs up the gun, jumps, spins, whips out her gun mid-leap...

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