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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Shimoneta Episode 11: Techno Break – Beeble Reviews

Alright, so the SOX kids are out being chased by the police, Dicky finally did that betrayal we all saw coming, and her new boss has taken over the school building. Topping this shit sundae is a big ol’ shiny ‘If the general public gets a hold of this news story, they will insinuate that SOX is in control of it all and they will be declared a violent terrorist organization.’ If it weren’t for the fact that, straight up, this all gets resolved by the end of the episode I’d say this is a kinda big finale, minus all of that character arc stuff.

OH SHIT! SHE'S HERE!! What brilliant twists will her twin-tails bring about in the eleventh hour?!?

Oh sweet, Gremlin’s back for the pseudo-finale too! While MC’s evaded the po-po and is in despair about what to do now, she tells him all about the occupation of their school, spurring him on to do shit.

Thankfully, THEY DO SOMETHING WITH THE ANNA SET-UP WE WERE GIVEN HALF A SEASON AGO (damn yo if only they’d done something with it in the past month outside of paint her as a bad joke)

"But not for another two seasons. So buy the blu-rays. I need more GremlinBux."

Any case, he knows exactly what to do with this.

"Wow. You ALWAYS know just the WORST thing to say to a guy."

Meanwhile, the government is being demanded-of.

Damn. I feel so bad she's suffering terribly. I hope that her arc I'm inventing all by myself brings this back around in a very satisfying way.

The students at school are being used to farm dirty panties, which is still nasty. Is this a long-term plan? No. What is a long-term plan? Taking over the world with fire.

Oh, right, they only care about sexual gratification. I forgot.

Since she’s a trigger-happy monster, she goes straight for the



Makes sense.

Back at the politics, they ramp up an offensive to take back the hostages until Mr. and Mrs. Anna enter.

Oh gosh! That plot point that was important a LONG time ago! Boy, it’d have been GREAT if they used a few episodes to build it up again, instead of strapping a vibrator to Anna’s boobs you’d spent time reminding us how important of a threat this is! Plus this runs with the fact that in real life, people will ride events out if only to pump themselves up, this is okay commentary! Again though what what’s the PM upgrade again actually I pretended to remember it um I cannot remember 4 episodes ago

Blue Snow and MC begin planning out their own attack on the school using a blueprint of the area. As that comes together, Tiny and Heroine escaped to give support via wrist-phone-things.


She lets them know to head all the way up to the principal’s office, while MC plans to execute the mission he mentioned a few scenes ago.

To his credit in catching her in the shower, she was going to clog up the city's sewer system with nectar.

Makes sense.

So they take out the rest of the mooks and the hostages get saved thanks to a drawn distraction.

Significantly less cool.

Everybody but the top man’s been taken out. This can only mean one thing left.


See this is when you turn around and leave the room

"It's glowing! That means it's good for 1 HP of damage!"

Makoto tears shit up, though. In succumbing to lust, he does that shonen-crazy-evil-transformation thing without turning into a giant animal or something Symphogear-y.


Even if he is terrible, he's probably the scariest bad guy of the season.

I don't know if I'm capable of reacting to this anymore. This is all Jojo-level bizarre.

Fittingly gross.

And thus the monster is slain! That was oddly intense! Even though it was missing the show’s message, that fight still felt pretty representative of what the show wanted to do the whole time. I’m getting flashbacks of the one good Anna fight in the woods way back when, really over-the-top and stupid-good. Oh and also:


And to end all superhero kid’s shows, of course you gotta play it out cool..

An after-school special you'll want to show YOUR kids.

Sooooooooo.......because all of you guys are stupid and awful, that means everybody else is allowed to be stupid and awful????  She didn’t really say anything to insinuate how removing them from the world causes so much harm or portray them in a very positive light


Last piece:


hey twintail girl didn't do anything i feel so hurt

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