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Monday, October 3, 2016

Magic-kyun! Renaissance Episode 1: Brilliantly Blooming Renaissance - Bobble Reviews

I cannot be convinced that this show is anything less than the most incredible of the season. Look at this spirit, this verve. And don't forget: this boys.

Look at it, man. Look at it.
His power is making macarons.

He makes macarons.

This is a fluffy and light-hearted reverse harem, so of course the heroine is a ditz and a dummy whose only motivation is to be like someone else (her dead mom). She wants to be able to make sparkles come out of flowers, like her mom. There's a school for it!

Up the thousand stairs...
...of a school that faces Japan's most beautiful landmark, the Worse Eiffel Tower.

Actually, it's a highly-selective school for the best of artists: magical artists, or "artistas."

If those are the boys' actual names I'm gonna SCREAM

This is only important insofar as it gets our lead to stumble across cute boy after cute boy. And I do mean one after the other. She just can't not follow their magical strings. All of their magical strings, on the first day.

Alright, so that's number three. We're done, right? Looks like we're done.


But there's one boy left, and he's every shoujo manga's favorite: the moody one who you assume doesn't give a crap about you, but actually has a heart of gold that he's unable to express, only actually he's a jerk and anyone who likes him has a good chance of enabling an abuser. Let's go watch him SING!

She watches him sing, and he's like ew, I don't wanna sing in front of people, so he shuts up. But then she falls, and he catches him, which is when you go like WOAH because he really DOES care

about not getting life in prison

which is where they part ways. But not for long. Because she's gonna need help with the sparkle magic that she still can't do, even though she's at a sparkle magic school.

One of several why accepting her shows this school has low standards.

Look who's here for you,darling...

It all really speaks for itself.

Guy tells girl that every year, a school prince and princess are chosen to go up the sacred stairs in some kind of sportsless anime homecoming. "Prince? Princess?" she asks, affirming yet again how low the academy's standards have sunk.

Then the power of love friendship determination giving a gift (really? alright) saves the heroine from short-term embarrassment!

I mean, as long as we establish that sparkle magic isn't embarrassing in this universe.

Next time: our heroine is conveniently on the planning committee for the summer cultural festival!




And even:


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